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DELF A2 Syllabus

Second level in learning French is A2 and  following are the things that you need to know in the A2 level of DELF

  • Introduce yourself, about your education, your work place, your family members, your neighbours
  • Talk about your hobby
  • How to ask questions to the shopkeeper
  • How to order from the menu book in the restaurant
  • How to ask for a favor in a bank or any public place
  • To describe your problems to a Doctor
  • Enquire about a travel in a travel agency
  • Use public transport
  • Ask for directions
  • Buy tickets in Movies or any other places
  • Type messages and to take notes
  • Take notes of address, time or date from public display
  • Note down orders from clients and to take notes on their enquiry
  • Describe you day

List of Vocabulary

  • People: Family, Friends and work place
  • Places: Hotels, shopping mall, bank, public place
  • Hobbies: Painting, drawing, sports
  • Travelling
  • transportation: Train, bus, cab, plane
  • Life: Neighbourhood, friends, co-workers
  • Accommodation: home decors
  • Food recipes of meals
  • Names of common animals
  • Countries and Cities
  • Weather report

Grammar topics

  • Present Simple tense
  • Different verb forms – ER, IR, OIR and RE verbs
  • Pronominal verbs
  • Common verbs
  • Imperative, Affirmative, Negative, Interrogative and future forms of verbs
  • Adjectives
  • Transitive and Intransitive verbs
  • Direct and Indirect object
  • Relative pronoun
  • Prepositions of time and place
  • Connectors


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