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IELTS speaking

In IELTS speaking you will speak to a certified examiner for about fifteen minutes. It is an interactive test that is almost close to real life situation. Your test will be recorded and there is no requirement of specified accents in IELTS speaking, you are free to use your own accent. IELTS speaking is the same for both academic and general training.

The exam will evaluated on the following basis how well you are able to communicate on others opinions and information based on everyday activities and social happenings. You should speak upon the given topic with appropriate sentences. There should be coherent arrangement of ideas. You should be able to express and explain your ideas to the examiner.

The exam consists of three parts in part one the examiner introduces him or herself and ask you to introduce yourself and confirm your identification and then the examiner will ask you about your home and yourself for instance like your home, hobbies, family, neighbourhood and studies.

In part two the examiner will give you a task card in which you will be given a particular topic and also some points about which you should talk you will be given one minute to prepare on the topic and you also allowed to take notes then you should talk about the topic for two to three minutes you will not be stoped in between the talk but after the talk you will be asked one or two questions on the topic.

In the third part you will be asked few questions on the topic in the second part. You will be evaluated on basis of your fluency ,coherence, grammar, pronunciation and lexical resour

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