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Differences between German & English - Part 1

No Silent Letters

English spelling may not be as tough to learn as some other languages, but those silent letters can still make it very challenging. German spelling is simple to learn. Silent letters are absent from them. When a word begins with a K, like knee, you pronounce the K; it is not silent. Additionally, the E at the end of a word is not silent.

It’s invigorating and frees your attention so you can concentrate on the other, more challenging aspects of learning German.

Using “To Have” Instead of “To Be”

You are accustomed to employing to be to convey a lot about yourself as an English speaker. You might say, “I’m hungry,” for instance. As a result, you are connected to the “hungry.” However, you would say “I’m hungry” in German. They merely remark that they are experiencing a certain feeling or experience rather than linking their identities to a passing state.

Pay attention to this when reading to make it simple to translate your demands when speaking German.

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